
How to Build Retaining Wall

Want to add beauty and value to your home or business with a stone retaining wall? Yes it is, and a wall of stone experienced builder can certainly build retaining wall - and will last forever. But the installation of a stone wall can be performed by the adventurers of it yourself with relative ease and success.

Must first determine the length of the wall (in feet) and height of wall (in feet). If the wall is no more than 4 meters high, you can use stones about 1 foot wide. This will make the retaining wall about 1 foot thick. If the wall is more than four meters high, you should contact an engineer.

Begin to build retaining wall

Dig a trench about six inches deep and about 12 "wide along the base of the proposed location of the retaining wall. Fill with crushed stone base. With dryers retaining wall without battery construct an elaborate system.

Order your stone size so you can easily find the stone size you need. (This installation much quicker and less frustrating brand looking for the perfect stone). Exp. 6 rooms ", 5" rooms, 4 rooms ", etc. Keep the gems from the top row of the retaining wall.

Place the largest in the ditch, from start to finish stone. Make all your flat stones, because, of course, would be on the floor. Make sure the stone is below the threshold of the trench to drag habit.

Now begin to build the wall, working from one end to the other, you have to remember to back upslope soil or hit the wall. This is accomplished by simply standing on their heads cool and measured the wall face.

As you build the wall trying to avoid continuous horizontal and vertical joints breaking with large and small stones. Place the stones to fit tightly together for strength and appearance. Fill the space behind the wall of earth and compact as you go. (Not clay) Occasionally turn the stone into a long hill to act as an anchor stone. This will help the stability of the build retaining wall. Finally almost finished. Remember those beautiful pieces that are saved through the top of the embankment, we can add now.

Take your time. The final results will be well worth the effort in the appearance of your property.


1). sledge hammer

2). tape

3). 4 'Level

4). Shovel and Rake

5). chain Online

6). gravel

7). Select your stone

How to calculate the amount of stone

Let's say that we will build a wall 100 feet long x 3 feet high x 1 foot thick

Here's our formula:

100 'X 3' X 1 '= 300 Cubit Pie (CF)

The weight of the stone will weigh an average of 100 pounds per cubic foot.

300cf X £ 100 / CF = 15 tonnes

Make sure you buy good quality stone material while the stone is not good.
Good luck with your project build retaining wall.

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