The goal of a good Feng Shui is to maintain a healthy energy flow. When clean energy flowing around, it feels good. When you feel good, you feel lighter resonance. A lighter resonance that gives you a sense of vitality, prosperity and happiness. This resonance is what creates good health.
Here are 12 feng shui tips for home to improve the health and vitality of your home.
1. Keep the house clean. Dirt and clutter keeps you trapped in a lower resonance. When you are in a lower resonance feels heavy. Worry is where the disease lives and develops, including depression. If you allow your house stays clean, clean feel quite difficult. The psychic debris that leads down and making it difficult to move forward ... to clear your space and everything in your life.
2. Focus on center of your home. What you see and feel here? If there is a closet, while ensuring it is used, it is in good condition and well maintained. Think EARTH. This region is associated with the earth element. You can strengthen your health power by placing objects that represent the land here, such as plants in large pots (make sure they are healthy), rocks (granite table), ceramics, sculptures and using earth colors like terracotta , browns, golds and yellows.
3. Is there a bathroom or washing machine in the center of your home? If so, your health goes down the drain energy. Keep the door closed toilet lid / puck down and the sink or shower drains closed when not in use. Place a mirror on the outside of the bathroom door repel energy in the house.
4. Plants are wonderful for adding dynamic energy. Make sure they are healthy, lush and vibrant. See thorny plants like the spider and cactus, and that should be avoided. Weeping plants such as willow and blackberry can trigger depression, especially in the front yard. Your room is a particularly important point to keep plants healthy, like you spend a lot of time to rest and regenerate. The use of an odd number is the most potent.
5. Spiral staircases are very unhealthy, corkscrew shape creates an energy down. The remedies for this are: Place a large plant in the stairwell to catch the chi and send up container. Put another floor on top of the stairs to help pull energy as the climbs. Wrap a green silk vines around the rail, starting at the bottom and ending at the top. Feel the healing power of green as you walk up the stairs. Hang a crystal ball at the top of the stairs, feeling his uplifting energy and excitement of the location.
6. Watch for sharp corners or heavy beams, especially pointing to you while you are sitting at the table, his favorite chair, or directly or above your bed This is actually called "poison arrows" in Feng Shui and can be corrected in several ways. If you can not move the sharp object, placing a plant, crystal ball or bronze bell in front of it will soften and chi distraction. beams can be wrapped in silk or live vineyards. beams painted the same color as the ceiling is not as powerful as the darkest.
7. Keep electrical items such as watches, cell phones and radios away from your bed Move them at least two to three feet away from your body, because these devices reduce drag and absorb life energy. If you use an electric blanket, be sure to turn it off for the night before.
8. Make sure the air is clean and fresh. Air filters can be useful in areas where the unhealthy air or allergies are a problem. Open the windows to keep the air circulating is wonderful, unless of course you have allergies.
9. Empty for a quick pick-me-up. If you have a high quality vacuum using is an easy way to clean the chi and get an area in vivo. I often use this technique between customer visits. Warning: Many vacuums dirt simply break into smaller particles and spit again.
10. Check toxic materials in your home. The old carpet and paint can emit toxic waste, dust mites and mold in your home and your family. Check your cleaning and use only natural products. This not only better for you and your family, you help the whole planet.
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